Help Design the Ultimate Case for Steam Deck

We’re excited to welcome the new Steam Deck! You are invited to join our Community Design to help develop the ultimate case for it.
UPDATE #6: Slip Case for Steam Deck launches - November 26, 2022
Another product joins the lineup of cases for Steam Deck. Today, the compact, portable Slip Case for Steam Deck debuts. Inspired by WaterField’s custom-made laptop and tablet sleeves, the Slip Case holds the Steam Deck and some basic accessories. Can be used on its own or inserted in bigger bags.
What do you think? Email your thoughts to
UPDATE #5: Complete Case for Steam Deck launches - November 17, 2022
With the wide availability of the Steam Deck dock, we’ve added a 3rd case to the Steam Deck lineup — the Complete Case for Steam Deck. Designed to carry your entire Steam Deck setup, this bag has pockets for the console, dock, 2 charging blocks, controller, 70% keyboard, mouse, USB-C cable, micro SD cards, etc. With all your Steam Deck tools at your fingertips, you can now play your games as they were intended to be enjoyed.
UPDATE #4: Pouch for Steam Deck launches - February 25, 2022
The 2nd case for the Steam Deck is now ready for order. The Pouch for Steam Deck carries the console, power, cords, and other essentials. Lined with soft, plush fabric, the Pouch protects the Steam Deck and includes pockets for storing additional essentials. You can carry it on its own, or insert into bigger bags.
We continue to work on the Carry-all for your Full Setup. Coming later this month.
UPDATE #3: CitySlicker for Steam Deck is ready for Early Access - February 17, 2022
Starting at 6:00 p.m. PST on Thursday, February 17, members of the Community Design Team can pre-order their CitySlicker here.
The handcrafted CitySlicker has been modified to fit the Steam Deck — it’s bigger, has additional pockets for micro SD game cards, and we’ve added a firm plastic insert in the back for structure. The flap’s two layers of premium full-grain leather comes in the black, blue, red, grizzly, and chocolate colors. It gives the case its professional, extraordinary look.
All orders received by midnight February 21 will receive a complimentary Early Bird Gift of a matching Sling Strap with an adjustable cam lock. Check it out here.
UPDATE #2: Preview the CitySlicker and Prototypes - February 3, 2022
We’ve customized the CitySlicker to carry your Basic Setup (console, USB-C cord, SD cards, wireless earbuds) and have two prototypes to share for carrying your Full Setup (Basic + extra cords, power brick, dock, etc.) in a Larger Carry-all Case. Which prototype would you prefer? Please let us know in the survey below.
To thank our Community Design participants, you’ll be able to Pre-Order the CitySlicker for Steam Deck starting next Friday, 6:00 p.m. PST, February 11, 2022.
UPDATE #1: What you’ll carry with your Steam Deck - January 25, 2022
Now that you’ve told us what you’ll carry with your Steam Deck, we’d like to know how you are going to use it.
If you didn’t provide your email on the survey and would like to follow up the updates, please subscribe below.